Character Worksheet

This year invest in who you are, not just what your company or career looks like. You will be so glad you did. As we get older, we realize it’s “who we are” not just what we do that’s our greatest leadership asset. The challenge is we can’t see our blindspots. If you are courageous and really want to see growth in your life, when you finish this worksheet, share it with someone to see if they agree. Here goes.

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Your Character Mission:

Example - “I take tangible next steps to be the man I need to be to do the work I need to do. Without being consistently proactive, I could get to the end of my life with lots of dreams unfulfilled.”

Write the impact you will have from pursuing your character this year:

The area you’d like to pursue:

Example: “Joy is my defining word for the year. I live with greater optimism and gratefulness. I see progress in both myself and others.

Write yours here:

Why would this be meaningful to you?

Example: “The above will release me open my eyes to more of what God has for me and us…and have more confidence to do greater things.”

Write yours here:

What challenges will I need to overcome?

Example: “Old habits and ways of thinking. Long-term critical spirit of seeing what’s not working.”

Write your thoughts here:

Specific habits that must be done consistently.

Example: “Stop when I'm being critical of myself or others. Write out 3 things I’m grateful for; 3 things that are working or 3 ways where we’re making progress.”

Write your thoughts here:

Who will help counsel and hold me accountable in this?

This is very hard to do alone, especially if you are the senior leader of your company. Sometimes that’s is truly lonely place. If you’d like expert help making your leadership worth following, click here to see how easy is.

Steve Griffith