I am giving you $250 worth of questions below.
I want to give you a few questions that I might ask on a first appointment. FREE! My gift to you… I want you to know I’m in this for you. If these are helpful, please give me a shout or email me. There’s no pressure. Love to see if I can provide value…
Here will be your tendency: because these questions require a bit of thought, it’s easy just to click out and say you don’t have time to think about them. Print them out and think about them this weekend!
Identifying questions that help you think about the future is a great way to focus the direction of your business and life. Most of the time that’s what you pay a coach like me to do. But as you may be considering if you need a coach, I want to provide you a few questions that I might ask on a first appointment. FREE! My gift to you…
I have also provided a couple of questions that tend to focus your business and life long-term. I’ve found the longer your view, the better your current decisions are. It’s like guardrails for the present. It’s so easy to get caught up in the demands of today that we lose sight of what we want our life to mean. We all want our lives to matter and make a difference.
Here goes: First Appointment Questions (Remember, I am able to clarify and ask about 10 follow-up questions to really hone your focus.)
What would success look like If you and I were sitting in a coffee shop in 365 days? What would be different in your business, life, relationships, etc? Be specific.
If you’re a business owner, what opportunities would you like to capture? ideal clients? team relationships? greater leadership? less chaos?
What’s providing the most stress in your life today? How would you rate it on a scale of 1-10? When you go to bed tonight and God did an amazing miracle, when you got up the next morning, how would you know? What would be different? What would your spouse see different in your life?
Longer Term (Spend about 30 minutes on a Saturday or Sunday answering these, then come back the following week to see if you’ve had any additional insight).
— In 100 years, what specific impact would you want to have seen and asked God for?
— What’s one thing that would scare you to attempt next year - but you know you should? (It must be moral :)
In each of the situations above, I would ask you to tell me 1-3 things you can do in the next two week to start making progress.
This is the hardest thing to do on your own. Sometimes we can’t connect the dots because it requires breaking out of some old thinking. Have fun with these.
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